Rotty cross in ALEXANDRA HILLS, Queensland for sale

We have 2 male dogs and they have only recently started fighting.. vet has said it is most likely too late to fix via desexing and as they are brothers they will fight no matter what! (I wish I knew this earlier) so extremly regrettfully we need to let 1 go.. and we have chosen the one who is more sociable with humans ect. Microchipped, Has grown up around children who cam remove his food and would not even growl or anything! He loves to play fetch. As soon as u walk out he brings u his ball! Doesnt jump and only barks when he is supposed to (not an excessive barker) yard /house inspections for any potential new home is a MUST and we would really appreciate someone to occasionally let us know how he is or visit ect! U can message for photos :)
Pure breed Rotty